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Oldfield Primary School

Oldfield Primary School

Nulli secundus

It’s fun to learn!

Admissions, School tours & New Starters


Please see our Admissions Policy below.

All admissions to Oldfield Primary School must be made through RBWM who deal with all applications.

Criteria for admissions to Community Schools can be found in the Admission Booklet which is available to download from the Royal Borough of Windsor Maidenhead website below. The school admissions section provides a lot of information regarding applications.

The online facility for admission to Early Years in September 2024 has now closed. Enquiries for any late admissions should be made via the RBWM website above. If you are making any enquiries or wish to apply for a place at Oldfield, you should contact the Admissions Team at the Local Authority The school does not allocate places, this is done through RBWM.  RBWM Admissions hold waiting lists for all of our classes.

You can find the designated school for your address by clicking on this  Link  or go via the RBWM website link above. Type in the Post Code and this will give you details of the catchment school relative to the address.


Scheduled School Tours for prospective Parents and Carers:

Thursday 19th September 2024 
Monday 7th October 2024 
Wednesday 13th November 2024
Tuesday 3rd December 2024

All school tours will start at 9.15am and will last about one hour. Please call the office on 01628 621750 to book your place.

Click on the link here to view a map of our catchment area.


This page contains all the information you will need before your Reception child starts school in September. We have included our 'Starting School Booklet 2024' which is available to view as an attachment at the bottom of the page along with our information pack. The 'Starting School Booklet 2024' will give you information which we hope you will find useful in the meantime, and help you prepare your child/ren with transition to school.

We aim to make your child’s transition to school run as smoothly and happy as possible.