We have produced a list of frequently asked questions for parents and carers.
If you cannot see the answer to your question our administration staff in the school office would be pleased to help.
What do I do if my child is ill?
If your child is too unwell to attend school, please use ParentMail stating your child's name, class and the reason for their absence. Alternatively, please call the school office and select option 1 to report your child's absence. Please leave a brief clear message stating their name, year and class name and the reason for their absence.
What happens if my child is taken ill during the school day?
Should your child become unwell during the school day or have an injury we will make every effort to contact you using the details you have provided. In the event of a more serious injury the school will ensure your child receives the correct emergency treatment and contact you as quickly as possible.
How long should my child be kept off school following sickness/diarrhoea?
To help us contain the spread of infection, please kep your child away from school for 48 hours after the last episode of sickness/diarrhoea.
Can I request time off during term time?
Leave during term time is discouraged. However, if it is absolutely unavoidable, you should complete an Exceptional Leave of Absence Form, which is available from the school office or can be downloaded from the website (under "Forms") and submit it 14 days before the requested leave period. Leave will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. If your request is not authorised, but you still decide to take your child out of school, then their absence will be recorded as unauthorised in the register. This could result in a Fixed Penalty Notice or subject to court proceedings for failing to ensure your child's regular school attendance under section 444 of the Education Act 1996. For more information, please see our Attendance Policy, under 'Policies'
How do I book Breakfast Club? (Early Risers)
You will need to complete a Registration Form and hand in to the school office. Once this has been activated, you can book and pay for any sessions through the Scopay Account used for school lunches. A copy of the registration from can be found under 'Out of hours care.'
How do I take my child out of school during the day for a medical appointment?
Please email the school office with your child's name and class as well as the time, date and nature of the appointment. Where possible, we request that appointments are made outside of school hours.
What do I do if my child needs medicine during the school day?
A Medical Consent form will need to be completed and be handed either to the class teacher or the school office. No medication can be given without written permission.
Am I able to have a class list of name to circulate my child's birthday invites/Christmas Cards?
Unfortunately, for Child Protection and GDPR reasons, we are unable to circulate class lists.
Can I bring in sweets/cakes to celebrate my child's birthday?
As we are a healthy school we have taken the decision to not allow sweets or cakes to be brought in to school to celebrate birthdays. Children are allowed to come to school in their own clothes on their birthday.
Why am I not receiving any letters in the book bag?
Most letters and communications are sent out via the ParentMail system. We will only send home letters in book bags if your signature is required ie: for a trip or sporting event out of school hours. Once children progress from Reception, we encourage independence and responsibility. Please ask your child to check their book bag or drawer for letters and other information.
When is the termly clubs list circulated?
Once a termly club list has been completed (usually before term starts), this will then be sent out via ParentMail and posted on the school website. Any applications available for clubs will also be posted under 'Extra Curricular Activities'
What happens if I forget to order my child's school lunch?
School lunches have to ordered via the Scopay account by midnight the day before. If you forget to order, you will need to send in your child with a packed lunch.
What happens if I forget to send my child's packed lunch into school?
Please arrange to drop the lunchbox (named) into the school office before 11.45am. If this is not possible, please contact the school office for advice.
Where can I find a Uniform list?
The Uniform list can be found under 'Information for Parents', 'Uniform'
Can I use the staff car park?
No, this is for disabled users, staff and visitors only. If you need to visit the school office, you may park in the bays on the right hand side once you enter the grounds between 9.00am and 3.00pm
Do I need to sign up for Kiss and Drop/Grab and Go?
Please see our leaflet under 'Information for Parents'. Kiss and Drop does not require booking or payment. Grab and Go requires both online booking and payment before 11 am on the intended day of use.
What happens if I am running late at the end of the day?
Please telephone the school office and let them know so that arrangements can be made for your child. Unless there is a serious emergency, we would expect to be informed by 3 pm.
How can I volunteer to help out in class?
Please speak to the class teacher or Headteacher first about volunteering in school.
How do I sign up to give permission for my child to walk home along at the end of the school day?
You must notify the school office and class teacher in writing that you give consent for your child to walk home from school. This is only available for pupils in Year 5 and 6.
How do I make contact with school governors or a member of the Senior Leadership Team?
The school office can provide these details
Can I request paper copies of letters/forms?
Please contact the school office to make your request by emailing office@oldfieldprimary.com.