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Oldfield Primary School

Oldfield Primary School

Nulli secundus

It’s fun to learn!


The school’s governing body is generally responsible for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of education. They act together rather than individuals.  Each Governor’s term of office is four years. Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Body with varying terms of office at the committee's discretion.  The Governing Body currently has one Associate Members to assist them in their work. 

The full governing body meets six times a year.  Groups of Governors form committees to meet and discuss such topics as the Curriculum, Personnel matters, Finance, School Improvement, Health and Safety, Site and Buildings.

Our working committees are listed below.

On the 1st December 2023, the governing body was reconstituted to 11 Governors as follows:

  • 1 LA Governor
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 6 Co-opted Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • The Headteacher

Please to read our Governor’s profiles below.

Oldfield Governor Profiles

September 2024

Viv Williams - LA Governor

Viv is Chair of Governors and SEN Governor.  She also is a member of FPP, CC&C, TPPC, and Target Setting Committees.  She first became associated with the school in 1982 and has had two children at Oldfield who both had an excellent start to their education.  She was PTA Secretary throughout her children's time at the school and was elected Parent Governor in 1985.  She is currently a Local Authority Governor and Link Governor to the OSA. Viv is also our SEN Governor.  Viv has been on the Board of Governors from 27th September 1996, and her current term of office is due to end on 12th June 2025.

Gina Botterill - Co-opted Governor

Gina joined the Governing Body in 2003 which followed her time on the OSA Committee where she served as both Secretary and joint Chair.  Gina Chairs the Curriculum, Communication and Children CC&C, (incorporating Health and Wellbeing), Committee,  and serves on the FPP Committee and the Teachers Pay and Performance (TPPC) and Headteachers Pay and Performance (HTPPC) Committees. Gina is also the Safeguarding Governor.  She also looks after the Key Stage 2 Library in a voluntary capacity. After re-election, her current term of office is due to end on 31st August 2025.

Gina's son Matthew attended Oldfield until 2005 and he now works in Africa after completing his degree at University studying Zoology.

Kate Walker - Co-opted Governor

Kate joined us as a Co-opted Governor in February 2019. She sits on the FPP Committee, Her current term of office was due to end on the 10th February 2024.  Kate has agreed to stay on as a Co-opted Governor until February 2027. Kate is our Health and Safety Governor.

John Puri - Co-opted Governor

John Puri joined the governing body on 1st November 2022 as an Associate Member.  He is an ex-parent and has experience in business.  He assists the FPP Committee in their work on Finance.  His term of office was due to end on 31st October 2024. John agreed to join the Governing Body as a Co-opted Governor from the 11th March, following the resignation of Beth Wynne-Evans.  John assists the governing body as our Health and Safety advisor.

Mrs Cathy Davies - Co-opted Governor

Cathy Davies joined us as Co-opted Governor on 7th March 2022.  Cathy's two children have both been pupils at the school between 2012 and 2021.  Her term of office is due to end on 6th March 2026.  Cathy is our Pupil Premium Governor.

Mr Loz Marchant - Staff Governor

Loz was appointed to the position of Staff Governor commencing on the 1st September 2024 by a ballot from the school staff.  Having worked at the school since 2017, he has worked across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two.  Loz teaches Year Two and is the curriculum leaser for Maths.  His term of office will end on 31st August 2028. 

Mr Advait Patil – Parent Governor

Mr Advait Patil was elected as a Parent Governor with effect from 9th November 2021. He has a child currently in Year 6.  Advait is Vice Chair of our CC&C Committee.  He provides his IT expertise in our annual Parent Survey. His term of office will end on 8th November 2025

Mr Justin Glanvill - Co-opted Governor

Justin Glanvill joined the Governing Body in February 2019, elected by the parents.   He has two children, one in Year 5. Justin is the Chair of the FPP, Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee. Justin was re-elected as a Parent Governor, but has now moved to a co-opted governor with effect from 1st December 2023 until 30th November 2027.

Ms Poornima Karunacadacharan - Parent Governor

Poornima Karunacadacharan was elected by Oldfield parents on 1st February 2023 to commence her term of office from 11th February 2023 until 10th February 2027. She is a parent of a child in Year One. Poornima is currently going through the Governor Induction Process.

Ms Alice Donato - Co-opted Governor

Alice joined the Governing body as a Parent Governor in December 2019.  She has a child in Year 6. Alice is the Vice Chair of the Governing Body and sits on the FPP, CC&C and Target Setting Committees.  Her term of office was due to end on 4th December 2023. Due to the reconstitution of the governing body, Alice has now been appointed as a co-opted governor with effect from 1st December 2023 until 30th November 2027.

The governing body would also like to thank Babita Datta as a Parent Governor whose term of office ended on the 11th February 2023.

Associate Members

Associate members are people who the governing body have appointed to assist them in their duties.  Associate members do not have any voting rights at Full Governing Body meetings, but Voting Rights may be given at committee level.

Dr Caroline Scott-Lang

Caroline Scott-Lang joined the governing body on 23rd October 2016 as an elected Parent Governor. Due to work commitments, Caroline moved to an Associate Member.

Caroline sits on the CC&C committee.  Her term of office was due to end on 22nd October 2024 but has agreed to stay on until 31st August 2025.



Curriculum, Communication and Children (Incorporating Health and Wellbeing)

FPP Finance, Premises, Personnel and Sustainability
TPPC Teachers Pay and Performance Committee

Other committees are convened when necessary during the year ie; HT Pay and Performance, Target Setting

Any other committees i.e.; exclusions, complaints, are appointed as and when required from the Governing Body members.

Governors  monitor curriculum subjects and carry out visits to both subject leaders and classes.

All Governing Body minutes are available to view upon request at the school office