Home School Agreement
The School will:
- Ensure children's physical and social wellbeing at all times.
- Take responsible action in line with the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy available to view under policies.
- Address the educational needs of each child according to their age, aptitude and ability.
- Encourage children to do their best at all times.
- Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.
- Inform parents about National Curriculum requirements and the strategies currently used in school.
- Keep parents informed about school activities through letters home.
- Help the children understand the expectations of behaviour which ensures a happy and successful learning environment at all times.
- Create an environment where the children fell they are listened to.
- Inform parents of their child’s development and progress at school, through Parents’ Evenings, school reports and informal discussions.
Parental Conduct:
For our Home School Agreement to work and help ensure the best outcomes for our children, everybody needs to respect and uphold the professional relationships required in schools. Our staff work to the highest expectations of professional conduct and are held to account should their behaviour fall short of our expectations. We therefore ask that all parents/carers frame questions and concerns in a calm and respectful manner to prevent parental behaviour becoming an issue in itself.
The Family will:
- Encourage children to support, value and enjoy all aspects of school life.
- Make sure child arrives at school on time – between 8.40 and 8.50am. The whistle is blown at 8.50am and all children are expected to be in school by then. At the end of their school day, please make sure children are collected on time.
- Ensure children are not in school unsupervised before 8.40am.
- Ensure that the school is aware of any medical condition that the child may have.
- Ensure that no medication is taken into school without a medical consent form being completed giving full details of dosage and when it should be administered.
- Make sure the child attends regularly and provide a note of explanation if child is absent.
- Attend meetings and discussions about the child’s progress as and when necessary.
- Ensure children are well presented in school uniform, and suitable clothing and footwear are provided, taking into consideration activities and weather.
- Ensure the school has 2 emergency contact telephone numbers and addresses and are kept up to date. Any changes to be notified immediately to the school office.
- Ensure they follow the school’s learning policy supporting their child's home learning, reading, spellings and tables.
- Try to support the Oldfield School Association events and others run by the school.
- Ensure they see and respond to all letters sent home by the school.
The Child will:
- Be respectful, honest and friendly to everyone at school.
- Take good care of the equipment, grounds and building.
- Try to behave sensibly at all times.
- Respect other people’s belongings.
- Always try to do his/her best.
- Do as he/she is told by the school’s Staff.
- Give letters from school to parent/s.
- Tell an adult if they have a problem at school.
- Always try to wear the correct school uniform.
- Help their parents/carers to get them to school on time.
- Ensure that home learning, spelling, tbles and reading are completed.