Lunches inc FSM
At lunchtime the children are supervised and cared for by our Lunchtime Supervisors.
All EYFS and KS1 pupils (Years R to Year 2) are offered a UIFSM (Universal Infant Free School Meal). School dinner money for KS2 children will be £2.20 per day from September 2021. All meals must be booked and paid for in advance online at TUCASI ( Below you will find some user guides to assist you.
Meals for EYFS and KS1 pupils must be ordered in the same way as KS2, but you will not be asked for payment once you have signed in.
If a packed lunch is preferred this should be in a named, lunchbox and should include a drink in an unbreakable container (No glass bottles or cans). No sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks are allowed. Any kind of nuts, or any products containing them (including Nutella type spreads) are also not allowed. .
Free meals are available to those on Income Support. Children eligible for Free School Lunches are not identifiable by others and there is no stigma attached to having them. All you need to do is contact the School Office, complete a form and show us some evidence of your entitlement to Income Support. Alternatively you can download the form attached below and hand it in at the school office.
Caterlink is the school's lunch provider and a copy of their menu can be found below.