Pupil Premium
In 2011, the Government introduced Pupil Premium Funding to raise achievement among disadvantaged children. Pupil Premium Funding (PPF) is allocated to children from low income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM), children who have been ‘looked after’ continuously for more than six months and children whose parents serve in the British Armed Forces. In 2012 to 2013 eligibility was extended to pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years.
Schools also receive funding for children who:
- have been looked after by the local authority or a foster carer for 1 day or more
- have been adopted from care
- have left care under a special guardianship order
- have left care under a residence order or a child arrangement order
- have parents currently serving in the armed forces
Schools are required to publish the amount of money they have received, how this money has been spent and indicate the impact it has had. This is done in the Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure documents, further information can be found by clicking on the links below.
At Oldfield Primary School we are committed to ensuring that all children make the best progress possible during their time at our school. We track the achievement of every child on an ongoing basis and across the age related expectations for each year. We do all we can to ensure each child achieves their full potential and that interventions are put into place where necessary. Every child is given extra support if they need it and the Pupil Premium Grant enables us to offer opportunities beyond the classroom.
The grant is spent on a variety of initiatives and interventions to ensure that pupils make good academic progress and to ensure that they develop and become well-rounded confident and happy individuals. These initiatives and interventions include:
- LSA small Group Support
- Teacher Small Group Support (Literacy/Maths)
- Feedback and target setting between teacher and pupil
- PSA support
- One to one
- Booster class
- Breakfast club
- After school clubs
- Swimming
- Residential and Year group trips
- ELSA support
- Sporting, Drama and Music activities
- Holiday clubs
Monitoring the impact of Pupil Premium spending
The school has in place, tracking systems to monitor the impact of Pupil Premium spending. This is a developing data tracker that will show impact over time.
Please click on the links below to read our Pupil Premium Strategies for for the current year and expenditure reports.